Youth! Take Full Responsibility for Kosen-rufu
Nichiren Daishonin writes: “The deeper the roots, the more luxuriant the branches. The farther the source, the longer the stream.” (WND-1, p. 940)

Learning from the Spirit of the February Campaign
In the month of the Lunar New Year, I would like to extend my well wishes to all. Happy New Year!
My heartiest congratulations to our 298 SGS participants, both performers and support staff, for putting up a spectacular performance in the segment of “Joy” at Chingay 2025, after months of hard work and effort. My deepest appreciation to everyone!

Year of Soaring Higher towards a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide
General Director’s New Year’s Message for 2025

Celebrating the Soka Gakkai’s Founding By Upholding the Spirit of Mentor and Disciple
November marks the founding month of the Soka Gakkai. On Tuesday, November 18, 1930, founding president Makiguchi Sensei, with the support of his 30-year-old disciple Josei Toda, published Soka Kyoikugaku Taikei (The System of Value-Creating Education). The date appearing on the last page of the book, carrying the publication information, became the date of our organisation’s founding.

Grateful Hearts, Joyful Contributions
Every October is SGS’ financial contribution month. This is the month where members have the
privilege to make their financial contributions to support the advancement of Singapore kosen-rufu.

Discussion Meeting – An Oasis of Happiness
I once introduced my neighbour, with whom I shared Nichiren Buddhism, to a discussion meeting. After attending it, he was deeply impressed and told me that he had never been to a gathering of people who were so genuinely happy, sharing their life experiences with such courage and hope.

Repaying Our Debts of Gratitude to Our Mentor with Our Victories
August 14, 1947, the fateful day when Ikeda Sensei first met Toda Sensei that changed the course of Ikeda Sensei’s life. Also on this day,

Living the Most Fulfilling Lives Dedicated to the Path of Mentor and Disciple
In the month of July we commemorate July 3, Mentor and Disciple Day, an eternal prime point of the Soka Gakkai. The path of mentor and disciple is crucial to walking the true path of humanity and Buddhism.

To Lead Victorious Lives is the Purpose of Buddhism
Absolute victory is the ultimate aim of our Buddhist practice and our lives.

Renewing Our Vow and Resolve for Kosen-rufu
Ah, glorious May 3!
Old and young alike,
with a vigorous and vibrant life-force,
thoroughly protected by the heavenly deities,
let’s begin a new struggle!

Enable All to Live a Life of Fulfilment Through the Practice of Nichiren Buddhism
The invocation of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo on April 28, 1253, is one defining moment of Nichiren Daishonin’s life, dedicated to bringing happiness to humanity by eradicating sufferings and bringing peace to the land.

Together, Let’s Create Our History of Kosen-rufu
To lead a life that is rewarding and contributive, we ought to have goals and targets no matter at what stage of life we are in. This is even more so since we are practising Nichiren Buddhism, having the mission as Bodhisattvas of the Earth, and as Ikeda Sensei’s disciples.