Category: Interfaith Harmony

SSA Joins Grand Interfaith Dinner Celebrating “Unity in Diversity, Harmony and Progress”

“Our diversity enriches our society, makes us interesting and allows our people to access different cultures. But it also means each of us must work hard to safeguard our harmony… We have to build trust, mutual confidence and come through peaceful as one nation,” shared Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Guest-of-Honour for the 20th Anniversary of Taoist Federation Cum Grand Interfaith Dinner, held at the Singapore Expo Hall 2 on 3 December 2010.

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Respecting Religious Boundaries and Common Space

SSA was invited to participate in an interfaith forum organised by Tampines West Inter-Racial and Religious Confidence Circle (IRCC) on February 6 at the Tampines West Community Club’s multi-purpose hall. Titled “Religious Boundaries and Common Space”, it was attended by some 70 members of SSA Student Division (SD) and Future Division (FD), staff from Jamiyah Home for the Aged, Darul Ghrufan Mosque, students and educators from various schools in Tampines West constituency.

Following the opening address by Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Education and Home Affairs, and MP for Tampines GRC and Adviser to Tampines GROs, there were cultural performances by the schools. Some 16 FD members also presented a high-spirited hip-hop dance.

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